Entrees Tabbouleh ... parsley + broccoli + onions + tomatoes salt + lemon + red peppers + oil Soak the parsley in the sour juice and leave on the side In a deep bowl add all the power components and mix the power components. Add the pomegranate and salt, then mix the tiboule and salt with taste and add the acid juice as desired. .Add olive oil to the tibula salad and serve immediately. Homs in Tahina ... chickpeas + oil + salt lemon + garlic Place chickpeas in a large bowl, add bicarbonate soda and plenty of water. Soak for the whole night. Sprinkle hummus and wash. Put in a saucepan with 2 cups of chicken broth and 4 cups water and boil over low heat. ... Place chickpeas, tahini and one cup of cooking water, garlic and sour juice in an electric mixer bowl